St. Cuthbert's Orthodox Church
ROCOR Western Rite
Hedgesville, WV
Service Times

Pentecost XVI

Vespers: Saturday, 7:00 pm,  Lauds and Mass: Sunday, 9:00 am, with brunch following

Collect - LORD, we pray Thee that Thy grace may ever precede  and follow us, and make us continually to be given to good worksss.  Though Thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord, Who with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth God, unto the ages of ages. R. Amen.


St. Michael and All Angels, Sept. 29/Oct. 12

Vespers: Friday, 7:00 pm,  Lauds and Mass: Saturday, 8:00 am

Collect - O EVERLASTING God, Who hast ordained and  constituted the services of angels and men in a wonderful order, mercifully grant that, as Thy holy angels always do Thee service in heaven, so, by Thine appointment, they may succour and defend us on earth.  Through Thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord, Who with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth God, unto the ages of ages. R. Amen.


Holy Protection, Oct. 1/14

Vespers: Sunday, 7:00 pm,  Lauds and Mass: Monday, 8:00 am

Collect - O GOD, Who on this day didst reveal the Holy  Mother of God standing in the midst of the Church and invisibly praying for us, grant, we beseech Thee, that as we behold her most precious image, she may encompass us beneath the precious veil of her protection, and deliver us from every form of evil by entreating Christ, her Son and our God, to save our souls.  Through Thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord, Who with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth God, unto the ages of ages. R. Amen.